Terence T. Gorski
on "Relapse Prevention and the Criminal Justice Client"
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Suffolk Community College Grant Campus, Sagtikos Arts & Science Center
Brentwood NY 11717 (Google Maps)
This conference will provide participants with cutting-edge knowledge of the application of the CENAPS Model of Recovery, which uses a multidisciplinary team with special skills for communication and cooperation. The Model integrates the diagnosis and treatment of both chemical dependency and criminal personality traits into a powerful clinical system.
Six (6) Hours Credit
CASAC - section 2
CPP - section 4
CPS - section 4
Director of Relapse Prevention Services at Challenges Treatment Center
Mr. Gorski is an internationally recognized expert on substance abuse, mental health, violence and crime. He is best known for his contribution to relapse prevention and managing chemically dependent offenders. He is a prolific author and has published numerous books and articles.
- 8:00 Registration /Breakfast /Networking
- 9:00 Welcome
- 9:15 Crime, Addiction & Anti-Social Personality
- 10:45 Break
- 11:00 Get Tough – Be Smart
- 12:30 LUNCH
- 1:30 No Nonsense Treatment
- 2:30 Break
- 2:45 Administrative Systems
- 4:00 Closing Remarks
Thank-you to our GOLD SPONSOR for supporting the workgroup and sponsoring our presenter Terrence Gorski and lunch at the conference:
- Challenges
Thank-you to our SILVER SPONSORS for supporting the workgroup and sponsoring breakfast at the conference:
- Caron
- Seafield Center
Thank-you to our BRONZE SPONSORS for supporting the workgroup and sponsoring afternoon refreshments:
- CARE - Center for Addiction, Recovery and Empowerment
- South Oaks - Long Island Home
- Phoenix House
- Quality Consortium of Suffolk County
- Quannacut at Eastern Long Island Hospital
- Reckitt Benckiser
- Sunrise Detoxification Center
- Varian Inc.
- White Deer Run/Cove Forge/Bowling Green
Thank you to our EXHIBITORS and SUPPORTERS for supporting the workgroup and Bridging the Gap IX.
- Caron Treatment Centers
- Center for Addiction, Recovery and Empowerment – C.A.R.E.
- Challenges Treatment Center
- Charles K. Post ATC
- Daytop
- Dominion Diagnostics
- EAC Outpatient Clinic
- Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery
- Liberty Behavioral Management Corp. (Arms Acres, Conifer Park and Holliswood Hospital)
- Phoenix House
- Quality Consortium of Suffolk County
- Quannacut at Eastern Long Island Hospital
- Reckitt Benckiser
- Roy Berman, LCSW, BCD, CASAC, CSAT
- Seafield Center and Seafield Services
- South Oaks - Long Island Home
- Sunrise Detoxification Center
- Susan Malewicz, LCSW, CASAC, SAP
- Varian, Inc.
- White Deer Run/Cove Forge/Bowling Green
Register for this Bridging the Gap presentation before September 21 - $20 fee required